Saturday, September 6, 2014

In a year

So much has changed in 13 months. I'm officially a wife now. I'm a nurse now. John and I have been through so much. Marriage has not been easy for us with all the immigration struggles and the financial struggles that come with it. It's worth it though, so worth it. 
Looking at where we are now, I still find i have so much room for growth as a wife. I snap at my husband sometimes, I forget to "fill his love tank" and I struggle sometimes with leaving behind independence for co-dependence. I haven't been the godly wife I've hoped to be because I've been absorbed in just trying to pay the bills.
So first, I'm striving to be a better wife. I'm striving to submit my life to the authority of Christ so I can better meet the needs of my husband.
Secondly, we have begun intentionally preparing to someday soon start trying for a baby. This will be after the immigration fight is over, but we need to prepare with regards to my health and financially, because whoa kids cost lots of money!!
So I'm back to document these journeys. Often times they'll look the same but sometimes they are distinctly different.
Sunday I start with a new exercise program. I have two goals prior to pregnancy I hope to meet fitness wise, lose 25 lbs and run 5 miles. So here we go.

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